

So the top one is a revision of the last Uelsmann tribute, titled "Sunday Morning." The bottom photo, starring Jeff Kaplan and Russell Deryer and his sidecock, is called "In the Steamroom." I think Kevin Ames sorta dug this one. This shoot was done in the steam room of a gym near my house. There were a few guys, mostly much older, who happened to be using the locker room while were shooting, many of them just hanging out with their penises out. Once we got the light situated and it was time For Russell to drop towel, I remember suddenly feeling kind of weird that Jeff and I were now the only fully clothed men in the locker room. Also, I had called ahead to have them turn the steam room off before we got there. Let me just say that a public steam room at room temperature that hasn't been cleaned smells like giant bag of old man balls. I could barely step inside the room, let alone marinate in it for about 20 minutes while some dusty I just met takes photos of me. Thanks again, guys.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha OMG that's hilarious. Note to self: Never step in a men's steam room while its off.
